No Child Is Too Hungry To Learn

Hi, my name is Ezel, and after applying and participating in an interview, I have been selected to be a Magic Breakfast Youth Campaigner and will soon be a part of a team to campaign for this cause. Magic breakfast is a registered charity which aims to end child hunger and stop its effect on education by providing healthy breakfasts for children living with food scarcity at home. Magic Breakfast works with many schools including Woodside High, where students can receive free breakfast in the morning before attending lessons. With the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, many families have been left struggling financially, and despite the pandemic coming to an end, these domestic issues are not addressed. Children from many families do not have enough nutrition to keep them going through a full day of education, and often show up tired and unmotivated to learn. As I have been offered the wonderful opportunity to become a Magic Breakfast Youth Campaigner, I will try my best to end child morning hunger. Ezel (Y10)