Girls Football – Woodside vs Heartlands

On Tuesday evening, Woodside girls from Year 7 and 8 went head-to-head in an epic football match against Heartlands, which ended in a 1-1 draw.

Throughout the game, our skillful goalkeeper Selena managed to block some difficult shots with the help of some consummate defenders and was awarded player of the match!

Despite being behind for most of the game, we kept going and managed to score a goal in the last few minutes of the game thanks to Kiara Thanj.

Overall, everyone that participated showed great determination and effort that any footballer would exhibit.

Although Heartlands were power hungry for the ball and demonstrated exceptional courage, our team showed strength in their ability to control and manage the ball as well as supporting each other.

Overall, everyone that took part in the game should be extremely proud of what we have achieved! Well done girls!

Girls who participated were:

  • Anaya 8
  • Destiny 8
  • Havin 8
  • Selena 8
  • Sana 8
  • Keanna 8
  • Kiara 8
  • Mawada 8
  • Kiara 8
  • Kaliyah 8
  • Eda 7
  • Taylor 7

Destiny B (8Y)