We are delighted to launch the Elective Curriculum which provides a wide range of stimulating extra-curricular courses that allow students to have a deep learning experience, preparing them not just for their GCSEs but for future careers. We know from our partner sixth forms and colleges that the participation in electives make Woodside students stand out from their peers.
This is the first year we will be running this as an additional session of the school day and allows the statutory curriculum to be delivered whilst offering exceptional opportunities for our young people. Each elective will run at least one trip and there will be guests speakers at points in the year.
Students will pick an elective and this will run until December. They will then have the opportunity to pick a new elective or start a new course. The elective is compulsory and is part of the extended curriculum we are running for students at Woodside. Be minded that on the elective evening students will remain in school until 3:50pm on Mondays and students will leave later at this point.
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