Woodside rules explained

Every decision we make at Woodside is built with the objective to be exceptional. It’s important we keep the highest standards of behaviour at all times. Line ups – line ups take place daily and these are a way to bring students together after social time and ensure that all students break between social and formal lesson times. Students have three minutes to find their lines and then raise their hands, the hand is a visual symbol that students are focused on their Head of Year and ready for learning. Juices – students still ask about the juices. We are now a water only school. Even natural fruit juices are full of sugar and this does not support student energy levels. A high concentration of sugar can lead to a high and a low, not helpful for learning. The juices also caused a huge amount of unrecyclable rubbish. Please do send students in with water bottles. Why are we so strict on uniform? Uniform represents our school. Having the uniform on prepares students for a professional environment. If we start letting some things in the whole high standard of uniform can be lost. Our exceptional objectives means we want students look their most presentable. The toilets; the school toilets are open before, lunch and break and after school on all floors. When the first bell goes the toilets are locked to ensure that students get promptly to lessons or line ups. The toilets in Birch block on the bottom floor are the only ones always open so there is always a toilet, however, students do need to get notes, it’s about keeping students safe Ms Wallace