Year 8 Pendarren Trip Student Diary


From March 17th to 19th, 50 Year 8 students were chosen to take part in a three day residential trip to Pendarren House in Wales. The trip was planned to allow students to participate in outdoor activities, team-building exercises, and explore the beautiful Welsh countryside. The students were accompanied by a team of experienced teachers and instructors who ensured their safety and well-being throughout the trip. Everyone was very excited to explore Pendarren House the day we arrived.

After that, everyone went outside to the large garden with wellies and rain jackets to play football and other exciting games such as table tennis and a very cool obstacle course. Then everyone split up into groups for activities and team-building exercises, which were a lot of fun and helped us improve our communication and collaborative skills. These are going to be important skills for us to do well over the next few days. During the evening, we had a delicious dinner, and right after dinner, we cleaned up and got ready for our first night in Wales.

Havin (8L)


On Saturday, we went gorge walking. I had never heard of it before and did not really know what to expect. It was really fun and it involved climbing up waterfalls and over rocks as we walked up a river. It was so cold, but even though I was freezing I enjoyed it a lot!

In the afternoon, after we had eaten the packed lunches we made ourselves in the morning, we then went canoeing on the canal. Lots of us had never done it before and kept going around in circles and crashing into each other! Once we got used to what we needed to do, we played a game of canoe football. I wanted to win this game so left Abdou on his own and paired up with Miss Pryor, of course, we ended up winning!

Christopher (8E)


I had never been in a cave before and I was a bit worried to start with as I did not know what to expect. We had climbed up a really big hill where we found a sheep’s skull to get to the caves and we were already up really high before going into the darkness. The whole caving experience was really fun, up until the part when the bat landed on my back which I really did not like! I hope to go back one day and I really recommend going to Pendarren as it is a fun way to do new activities with friends.

Timothy (8Y)


We are really looking forward to returning to Pendarren in a few weeks time with another group of Year 8 students. If your child is attending this trip, please ensure to return forms as soon as possible. For those of you wishing to make payment via ParentPay, this has now gone live.

Ms Pryor